
Digital KOL Influencer

Digital KOL Influencer

   KOL/publisher campaign plan proposal

   Strategy development

   Provide the list of KOL and publishers that match
   with the brand persona and brand’s audiences

   Daily communication, drafting brief, supervising
   content development and quality control 

   Full campaign report

   We help creating the engaging content, stories,
   producing entertaining and viral videos.

   Provide Digital Activation ideas and concept
   that  will  help your business to achieve better
   engagement rate and to gain deeper connections
   with the audiences.

Social Media Management

Social Media Management

Helps to develop and run social media marketing strategies and campaign management  that you achieves the brand marketing goals.

Producing IN HOUSE content for brands, that includes videos, motion, static images etc

Creating monthly content planning for brands. It includes planning KOL Content, sosmed always on etc

Provide Social Media Campaign strategy that can
help your business to achieve better engagement
rate, better followers growth, etc.

Creative Video Production

Creative Video Production

Providing End to End Video Production Solution

We produce TVC or Digital Video that can helps to increase the brand awareness, win’s people attentions, inspire people to take action & virality videos. We have collaborated with so many great Local Film Directors and various talented video makers to produce

Live Stream/Shopping Manangement

Live Stream/Shopping Management

Make it Live

We help clients going live with our team. We provide
all around services for live streaming and live
shopping in various platforms


 Gaming livestream tournament

 Podcast production

 Live stream/live shopping, event planning &
concept development

 Event management and arrangement

 Full event rundown development

 Broadcast live asset development

 Provide the list of casters/host options

Event Management

Event Management

Full Service Event Organizer & Show Management

We offer holistic management where we manage every element of your event, from event planning, booth ideas, booth production, performance ideas, providing great & affordable venue.

 Event planning & concept development

 Event management and arrangement

 Show management and arrangement

 Booth production/installation and supervision


 Full rundown development

 Event Documentation

Personal Branding for Goverment Campagin

Personal Branding for Government Campaign

Full Service Personal Branding

We offer holistic program of activities that specifically
designed to elevate a person’s visibility, to create a good image of a person / a organization, to improve credibility / reputation.

 Concept planning & strategy development

 Personal branding management and

 Personal branding video production

 Social Media Management

 Providing the most effective media platform


Goverment Relations

Government Relations

From stakeholder mapping, research to engagement. We helps our clients build and maintain a strong reputation and find common ground with government stakeholders.

  Stake holder mapping, perception and issues

  Public opinion research.

  Government engagement.

  Non-governmental organization stakeholder

Out of Home Advertising

Out Of Home Advertising

Displaying Your Ads Outdoors

We provide OOH Strategic Planning Development as well as Creative design materials for our client needs. We includes these types of OOH :

Through its wide range of diversified advertising formats, we can reach and communicate to the targeted audience in dynamic environment. Your Brand will be exposed into wider perspective with strong and creative visual impact on the streets.

Digital OOH media includes premium HD ads opportunities across an exclusive location of office buildings, apartments, hospitals, gym center and other lifestyle area

Capture consumers attention at the moment of purchase through thousands of screens located in retail area. We are creating the right channel for your product promotion resulting in the higher sales performance.

Full Service PR Agency

Press Release & Media Distribution

Press Release & Media Distribution

  • Generate story angles
  • Release distribution & securecoverage
  • Follow up media coverages
  • Media invitation and follow up
Press Conference/Media Gathering

Press Conference / Media Gathering

  • Event organizer and arrangement.
  • Event concept development.
  • Event Rundown development
  • Talking points development.
  • Media invitation and follow up
PR Report

PR Report

  • Provide final media coverage report
  • and event report
  • Media Coverage result, list, and tonality.

Solid Media Partner

We have strong network and deep relationship with national media and local media to raise your voice and reach bigger audience.
